Monday, October 28, 2013

After Graduation

The day to pick classes is approaching so fast!! I have been trying to make time to make a visit to the ACES Career Center but with all my midterms lately, I haven't had time. Regardless, if I can't make it before Nov 4th, I will still go because I feel like they are the only ones capable of answering my broad career questions. In the meantime, like how I said before, I am taking classes to explore my interests further. When I talk about not planning to further my education past a bachelor's at the moment, I almost feel a little embarrassed. I know I am smart enough to do it, and I feel a little guilty to not take advantage of the skills and knowledge I have been blessed with. However, right now with the way my cards are playing out, I think I will be capable of finding a successful job after graduation. Also, I plan on trying my hardest to graduate as a James Scholar and that would be so helpful in verifying my credibility and hard-work when applying to jobs.

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