Tuesday, November 5, 2013


I am officially registered for classes this upcoming spring! I followed through with my decision to not take organic chemistry this semester, and I feel surprisingly okay about it! I am taking ANSC 205, 223, 224, ACE 100, and CPSC 116. This leaves me at 17 credit hours. I tried to fit in a 400 level animal science class, but they all conflicted with my required classes or would leave me with no time to eat during the day. I'll have to try again for fall of my junior year because I need 4 400 level classes for my James Scholar completion. I am also hoping on getting my ANSC 398 credit next semester by helping out with research on a farm. Since I haven't heard anything from Dr. Johnson's graduate students about when they will finally start their project, I contacted Dr. Cardoso at the dairy farm to see if I could potentially help out with research there. I have a meeting with him today after my ASNC 103 lab, so hopefully it goes well!

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