Friday, October 4, 2013

College Life

I've come to the realization that no matter what major you have, I guess you're always going to feel overwhelmed. Fall is the time people apartment search, sign leases, have midterms, get into the full swing of club meetings and extracurriculars. It never ends! That being said, I unfortunately did not get to go to the career fair this week. I went last year and it was actually pretty neat seeing all those companies there, but this year I felt like it came up so quickly and I didn't have time to prepare myself the way I would have liked to. I'm not sure the best way to go about approaching what I need to know about the field of animal science before I go job searching, but what I do know is this- I need to figure it out! Most people are in the same position as me I guess, but since I came here wanting to be a veterinarian, I'm used to having my mind set and already made up. Now I'm faced with all these choices and decisions and nothing to go off of. I don't know a specific species I'd like to work with, I don't know what companies hire people with a bachelor's degree, I don't know the median salary of any job except a veterinarian, etc. What I do know is this: I want to work with animals, I would like my work to be somewhat hands-on, and I would not like a repetitive, draining job. Is that too hard to ask??

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