Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Attack of the Sheep

Today I had my sheep lab for my ANSC 103 class, and I actually learned a lot! We handled the sheep today, learned how to 'catch' them, and how to judge their body types. I've never had to catch a sheep before, it was definitely an experience. I had to basically clothesline my sheep to get ahold of it to control its head. Then, moving it was another feat because my sheep was being as uncooperative as possible. I tried pushing where its tail was but got no response, so the student assistants told me to shove it in the behind with my knee. I shoved it so hard that the sheep's legs gave out and I had it sitting on my lap. After some struggling it finally moved with me and I was successful! Before the individual work though, we had groups of 3 or 4 move sheep into the main room so we could better study their bodies. The first group accidentally let its sheep go, and it nearly escaped the building. The group made a barricade around the sheep, and unfortunately for one of the poor girls in the group, the sheep freaked out and tried to jump away but ended up nailing the girl in the face and knocked her to the ground! She had a big cut under her eye and had to leave for a little, so I was kind of nervous to move my group's sheep next. Needless to say, it went fine, but it was just another reminder that working with animals does always have some potential danger involved. However, this does not deter me like it would most. I still love my major and I love the idea of working with farm animals. It is all so new to me, and every lab I feel more and more confident that my (not yet finalized) decision to go to graduate school instead of veterinary school is the right choice for me. Next time at the sheep farm we will shear them, which will be pretty interesting! I'm excited to better learn the different husbandry tasks for all of these animals.


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