Thursday, December 5, 2013

The Finale

Since today is the last class of ANSC 298, I feel that my last post should be a reflection of this past semester. I think that I am leaving this semester with much more clarity than I had coming into it. At the beginning of this semester, I was still considering veterinary school as an option for me. I now realize that it is not something for me, both for my life plans and personal goals and financial reasons. I am still teetering on the idea of a master's degree or graduate school for a phD, but I am still not completely sure. I got an email yesterday from one of Dr. Cardoso's graduate students with an opportunity for me to receive my ANSC 398 credit with them next semester doing research, so I am very excited to start that! I do not know the details of the work I will be doing, but it will be with dairy cattle. Thankfully, that will allow me to see early on if research is something I like. I am still not sure what is going on in Dr. Johnson's lab since I asked her very early on in the year to help with her research, but I am glad I found another aspect/breed I like also. I do regret not getting experience this semester, but it seemed like it just wasn't in the cards. I think that without reaching out as much as I did this semester, I would not have been as confident with my newfound decisions and plans that I made for my future. For now, I would say that my plan is to keep up with my school work, keep getting on the Dean's List, keep up with my James Scholar program, and try to find a job after graduation that isn't office work and pays well. If that doesn't happen, I will return to school and get my master's degree. At least for now, I have never felt more confident with my plans for myself. I don't think that I am limiting myself or selling myself short, I am just planning for my best interests and preparing myself to be flexible when it comes to finding a job. Things may change like they always do, so maybe my plans are not set in stone, but it is a step in the right direction for the rest of my life!

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